Saturday, April 17, 2004

Things that are great include my sister's subway diary. You should all read it.

Diary, incidentally, is a word I will always check over once I write or type it, as it almost always looks like "dairy" but only occaisionally is.

A poll for my readers and friends: which sounds better to take at Oberlin next semester, Japanese language 1, or Introduction to Silkscreen? I can't tell which will be stupider to miss out on doing. I think that if I can get into the silkscreen course, I should take it. It will make for a more rigerous semester because of the other things I'll have to take around it, but I think it's worth it - I mean, how cool? Anyways, comment and advize me por favor.

"Never hold discussions with the monkey when the organ grinder is in the room." -Sir Winston
I like monkeys. Particularly Japanese macaques (they and titi monkeys were me and my ex-girlfriend's favorite animals), but most of them do just fine in my book. I think I need to get a dog. Not right now, but once I'm living somewhere on my own.

Otay, bed.

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